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The Wedding Of
Richard and Monica
Wednesday, June 1st 2022
We Found Love
Bride and Groom
Antonius Richard Ryesbiyanto, S. Sn
second son of
Mr. Toni Lie Kim Hing and Mrs. Eva Lesmana
dr. Monica Christy
Daughter of
Mr. Ignatius Agus Supriyono, S. Kom, M. M and Mrs. Dra Monica Endang Rohmiasih M.Pd
With Love
By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to our family and friends
Holy Matrimony
Wednesday, June 1st 2022
Time : 13.00 WIB
Gereja St Agustinus
Only Family Attended
Wednesday, June 1st 2022
Time : 16.30 WIB
Imperial Klub Golf
We cant wait to celebrate with you! Please kindly reply by May 30th, 2022 via the following form
Countdown Timer
Days and nights are passing by very quickly, between thrilling moments in the days leading up to our wedding ceremony. We are looking forward for you to be a part our blessed day
Our Gallery
Two minds so alike, yet with lives so contrasting. With a bond forming deep, every moment everlasting. Despite any fear or doubt, we both took the chance. Feeling the love throughout, we let our hearts dance. – Adam Carrison
Best Wishes
Thank You
Richard & Monica
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Silahkan kirim kado ke alamat berikut :
Nova Saptyan
Jln.Melong Tengah No 48 RT.04 RW.04 (Cimahi Selatan)
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terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami
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You Are Invited
Congrats cousins, Richard & Monic. Wishing you lots of love & happiness. GOD be with you ❤️
Yuhuuu CONGRATULATIONS Lovebirds ❤️🕊 lancar acaranya dan tentunya masa depan pernikahannya, Tuhan memberkati 😇🙏🏻
Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru buat Richard dan Monic… apa yg sudah dipersatukan Tuhan jangan dipisahkan oleh manusia… Tuhan selalu menyertai kalian… Gbu
Congratulations! We look forward to celebrate with you!
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Monic & Richard. Semoga selalu bergandengan tangan menghadapi semua permasalahan berdua sampai tua. God bless