The Wedding Of
William & Diella
We Found Love
“And the two will become one flesh.’So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Mark 10:8-9
Bride & Groom
William Arista Valendra, S.E
Mr. Lie Fen San & Mrs. Oey Mi Tjen
Diella Nathania
Mr. Tjia Yung Sin ✝️ &
Ms. Heriana (Muk Ciaw)
By asking for the grace of God almighty and with all humility, Please allow us to invite you to attend our wedding ceremony which will be held on :
Holy Matrimony
Saturday, 05 November 2022
16.00 WIB
Wedding Reception
Sunday, 06 November 2022
17.30 WIB
Jl. Demang Lebar Daun, Palembang
Towards Happy Day
Time flies so fast, on our journey to a happy day, we hope for the presence and blessings of all family and friends to be witnesses of our sacred vows.
We would like to inform you that we are following the COVID-19 health protocols
Keep Distance
1,5 meters each others
Avoid Handshake
Namaste gesture instead
Wear a mask
Wear a proper face mask
Wash your hands
With soap or hand sanitizer
Help us to prepare a warm dinner for all of you by sending a confirmation of attendance , please fill this following form
Note: this invitation is valid for two person
Wedding Gift
With all due respect, to all family and friends who want to send a gift as a sign of affection to us, you can send it via:
Our Gallery
I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever.
I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.
Best Wishes
The Wedding Of
William & Diella
To Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.
Sorry if there is an error in writing the name/title
Silahkan kirim kado ke alamat berikut :
Victoria Putri Maharani
Link. Cinanggung, Kelurahan Kaligandu, RT.04/RW.03, No.20, Serang, Banten, 42116
Silahkan transfer hadiah melalui
nomor rekening maupun dompet
digital berikut :
William Arista Valendra
Sebelumnya, kami ucapkan
terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami
Congratz Natha .. Slamat menempuh hidup baru.. Smoga bahagia slamanya..❤️❤️
Long last and God bless
Selamat hidup baru ya nak. Tuhan Yesus memberkati 🙏🤗😇
congratzzz natha syg, finally yah.. happily ever after, God bless 🤍
Pernikahan bukanlah akhir tapi awal dari sebuah komitmen berdua. Komitmen itu adalah sebuah keputusan. Keputusan untuk menepati janji nikah kalian berdua sampai akhir hayat.
Happy wedding Natha & William